%0 Journal Article %T Wieloznaczność pojęcia „polskości” w narracjach mieszkańców rejonu ostrowieckiego (Białoruś)​ %A Jakimowicz, Marcelina %J Prace Etnograficzne %V 2017 %R 10.4467/22999558.PE.17.004.7899 %N Tom 45, Numer 1 %P 55-69 %K polish minority, Ostrowiec District on Belarus, Belorusian SSR, historical awareness, lithuanian-belarusian borderland, footnote of memory %@ 0083-4327 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-etnograficzne/artykul/wieloznacznosc-pojecia-polskosci-w-narracjach-mieszkancow-rejonu-ostrowieckiego-bialorus %X Ambiguity of the Concept of “Polishness” in the Narratives of the Inhabitants of the Ostrowiec Region (Belarus) The article is based on ethnographic research conducted in the Ostrowiec region of Belarus. This region is characterized by the greatest postwar decline of the polish population, across the whole of Belarus (in the 1960s from 65.5% to 9.8%).The text presents reflections from the research related the historical awareness of “polish footnote” and their meanings given by the local population, but also covers the ethnic and religious specificities of the region. The last part of the article is narratives of people defined as “the last Poles” – born in the Second Polish Republic polish speaking catholick, who remember the pre-war and war periods.