@article{3ea0daca-f1f1-4134-84c6-5cd4e3011f97, author = {Wioletta Husar-Poliszuk}, title = {Ewangelizacja w duchu independentyzmu katalońskiego}, journal = {Studia Religiologica}, volume = {2021}, number = {Tom 54, Numer 2}, year = {2021}, issn = {0137-2432}, pages = {165-180},keywords = {independentyzm kataloński; nacjonalizm kataloński; niepodległość Katalonii; religia polityczna; ewangelizacja / Catalan independentism; Catalan nationalism; Catalan independence; political religion; evangelization}, abstract = {Evangelisation in the Spirit of Catalan independence This article presents Catalan independentism as a political religion. The main area of interest is the process of evangelisation to ensure the effectiveness of contemporary thought and the independence movement in Catalonia. The aim of the analysis is to verify the instruments and mechanisms through which an effective and permanent evangelization in the spirit of independentism is possible.}, doi = {10.4467/20844077SR.21.010.14201}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-religiologica/artykul/ewangelizacja-w-duchu-independentyzmu-katalonskiego} }