@article{3d238f13-9f8f-4f89-88bd-65b3912ff7df, author = {Michał Sierba}, title = {Ekspedycja dragonów kapitana Michała Floka do podlaskich dóbr Bogusława Radziwiłła – Zabłudowa i Orli (1660 r.)  }, journal = {Prace Historyczne}, volume = {2017}, number = {Numer 144 (3)}, year = {2017}, issn = {0083-4351}, pages = {577-592},keywords = {Orla; Zabłudów; Bogusław Radziwiłł; Michał Flok.}, abstract = {The expedition of Captain Michał Flok’s dragoons into Bogusław Radziwiłł’s possessions in Podlasie: Zabłudów and Orla (1660) The presented historical source edition consists of instructions and a passport given to Captain Michał Flok by Prince Bogusław Radziwiłł in 1660, together with a supplement most probably created by Jan Mierzeński. The unit of dragoons led by Michał Flok was meant to overrun Zabłudów and Orla, which belonged to the Radziwiłł family, and retake them from the Lithuanian army. The instructions detail the road which Flok’s dragoon unit was supposed to take in order to get to Zabłudów and Orla. Moreover, they explain how to behave towards the people living in the territories along the way and towards the Lithuanian soldiers, their families as well as the inhabitants of the Zabłudów and Orla lands. The supplement contains, among other things, information on what to tell representatives of the army while retaking the lands, how to deal with the soldiers and local inhabitants, how to allocate the dragoons in Zabłudów and Orla, and how to communicate with the Prince and his administration. At the very end of the supplement, the monthly soldier’s pay for Captain Flok’s unit is indicated. The source edition also includes the passport which was given to Michał Flok and his troops so that they could advance freely towards Podlachia.  }, doi = {10.4467/20844069PH.17.032.6947}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-historyczne/artykul/ekspedycja-dragonow-kapitana-michala-floka-do-podlaskich-dobr-boguslawa-radziwilla-zabludowa-i-orli-1660-r} }