%0 Journal Article %T Środa i jej święto w tradycji religijnej Jezydów %A Rodziewicz, Artur %J Studia Religiologica %V 2019 %R 10.4467/20844077SR.19.008.11194 %N Tom 52, Numer 2 %P 109-125 %K święta Środa, Jezydzi, kosmogonia, Anioł Paw, anioły, słońce, księżyc, gwiazdy, obrzędy wiosenne, Tora, Księga Rodzaju / festivals, Wednesday, Spring festival, Yezidis, cosmogony, Peacock Angel, angels, Sun, Moon, stars, Spring rituals, Torah, Genesis %@ 0137-2432 %D 2019 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-religiologica/artykul/sroda-i-jej-swieto-w-tradycji-religijnej-jezydow %X The paper is devoted to the holy day of the Yezidis, Wednesday, and the Spring festival of Çarşemiya Sor. I propose an interpretation of the meaning of this day, pointing to the supposed relationship between the meaning of Wednesday and the description of ‘fourth day’ in the Old Testament tradition. I also show that the annual feast of Çarşemiya Sor, just like every Wednesday of the week, for the Yezidis commemorate the creation of the material world and subjecting it to the power of angels (especially to the Peacock Angel) and heavenly bodies. I rely mainly on the Yezidi sources and materials gathered during my own field research in Iraq and the South Caucasus.