%0 Journal Article %T Terra sonâmbula znaczy Lunatyczna kraina. Wstęp do recepcji przekładów literatury luzoafrykańskiej w Polsce %A Jankowski, Jakub %J Przekładaniec %V 2016 %R 10.4467/16891864PC.16.027.7350 %N Numer 33 – (Post)kolonializm w przekładzie %P 140-158 %K recepcja przekładu, Mia Couto, Lunatyczna kraina, proza luzoafrykańska %@ 1425-6851 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/terra-sonambula-znaczy-lunatyczna-kraina-wstep-do-recepcji-przekladow-literatury-luzoafrykanskiej-w-polsce %X The aim of this article is to take a closer look at reviews of Sleepwalking Land by Mia Couto published in Polish press and study its recepion. Informations which can be found in reviews enable to gather not only facts about the translation quality, but also to define an attitude that the target culture has towards the translated literature. In the case that we chose to study we face the literature from the former Portuguese colony, Mozambique, which enters the Polish literary system via the ex metropoly, that is, Portugal. The transfer of the work takes place in the field of literary systems that are seen as peripheral, which produces a very interesting situation in a world of postcolonial order. In order to legitimize our conclusions, we chose to execute this analysis in a wider context of Mozambican Literature, taking under our consideration the analysis of the Sleepwalking Land novel as well, and the Polish context, which accepts in its literary system a work that is seen as an exotic one. As the factors defining the reception we point out the existing paratexts, translator's explanations and the position that Mia Couto has in Polish literary system before 2010, the date that Sleepwalking Land was published in Poland.