%0 Journal Article %T Wie viel gesprochene Sprache braucht der Mensch? Reflexionen zur Vermittlung von Gesprochensprachlichkeit in der philologischen Sprachausbildung %A Pieklarz-Thien, Magdalena %J Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten %V 2012 %N Zeszyt 3 (2012) %P 264-299 %K gesprochenes Deutsch, Auslandsgermanistik, philologische Sprachdidaktik, gesprochene Sprache, Fremdsprachenerwerb %@ 2353-656X %D 2012 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeitschrift-des-verbandes-polnischer-germanisten/artykul/wie-viel-gesprochene-sprache-braucht-der-mensch-reflexionen-zur-vermittlung-von-gesprochensprachlichkeit-in-der-philologischen-sprachausbildung %X How much spoken language does a man need? Reflections about didactics of spoken language in philologics and language teaching This paper deals with the need of establishing a prioritization of spoken language in foreign language teaching. It particularly concentrates on the tasks and challenges which it presents to philology. Due to the fact that this aspect has not been studied thoroughly yet it is argued that the spoken language should get its proper consideration especially nowadays. Based on wide scientific literature this paper also attempts to canvass the problems of teaching spoken language to foreign language learners.