@article{3caa1108-5f5a-42c0-9037-c2e08a894ed3, author = {Janina Skorupska-Szarlej}, title = {Zbiory artystyczno-historyczne Niedzielskich ze Śledziejowic}, journal = {Rocznik Biblioteki Naukowej PAU i PAN}, volume = {2018}, number = {Rok LXIII (2018)}, year = {2018}, issn = {1642-2503}, pages = {267-289},keywords = {}, abstract = {The Niedzielski family of Śledziejowice – A collection of art and artefacts In Śledziejowice, near Wieliczka, the Niedzielski family gathered over the years a valuable collection of old coins, paintings, graphics, artefacts, fabrics, and national memorabilia. The collection was kept in the manor house, where the family had lived since 1830. Many of these items came to be in Śledziejowice by way of collecting activity, others came as dowries, some were purchased and others were donated by various benefactors. Their stories are interesting, although we do not know about all of them. The Niedzielskis were wealthy, intelligent and very sociable, which meant that many prominent artists, such as Artur Grottger and Andrzej Grabowski were often guests in Śledziejowice. Their paintings, bearing occasional dedications, decorated the walls of the hospitable manor. There were family portraits on the walls and, next to them, old patriotic and historical scenes, as well as landscapes. In addition to the paintings, there were antique pieces of furniture, magnificent fabrics and valuable decorative items. As often happens in noble houses, weapons, original hussar armour from the 2nd half of the 17th century and (kontusz) sashes were hanging on the walls as a symbolic reminder of the family’s noble origins. There were also souvenirs from trips around Europe, such as items from archaeological excavations and priceless manuscripts acquired in France. Unfortunately, the economic changes from the turn of the century, the destruction caused by the First World War and the subsequent economic crisis, caused the economic and financial situation of the Niedzielski family to deteriorate considerably. From the end of the 19th century onwards, they were forced to sell the most valuable of the collected treasures. In the interwar period, pieces from the collection were transferred or sold to various museums and institutions, where they are still kept today. It is thanks to this that we still know about them. Translated by Kinga N. Kuchta}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/rbn-pau-pan/artykul/zbiory-artystyczno-historyczne-niedzielskich-ze-sledziejowic} }