@article{3bdc8bc9-82b5-4db2-888f-911f4a9d9fd2, author = {Alicja Ryczkowska}, title = {Mechanizmy oddziaływania muzyki na procesy fizjologiczne i emocjonalne słuchacza}, journal = {Kwartalnik Młodych Muzykologów UJ}, volume = {2016}, number = {Numer 29 (2/2016)}, year = {2018}, issn = {2956-4107}, pages = {139-155},keywords = {music; physiological processes; emotional processes}, abstract = {The mechanisms of musical influence on physiological and emotional processes of a listener Music influences the human on the psychological and physiological level. This article centres on the selected mechanisms of the impact of music on emotional and somatic processes of a listener. The paper discusses the phenomenon of acoustic driving and mechanism for adjusting the emotional state of a listener to emotional expression of music. Publication also concerns the impact of music on the emotions through the activation of imagination and memory. Musical expectations and evaluative conditioning as sources of emotional reactions are analyzed too.}, doi = {10.4467/23537094KMMUJ.16.011.8050}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/kmmuj/artykul/mechanizmy-oddzialywania-muzyki-na-procesy-fizjologiczne-i-emocjonalne-sluchacza} }