%0 Journal Article %T Rola rady rodziców w skutecznym zarządzaniu szkołą publiczną %A Jung-Konstanty, Stanisława %J Zarządzanie Publiczne %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20843968ZP.17.037.8021 %N Numer 4 (40) %P 495-509 %K management in education, management, cooperation, partnership, stakeholders. %@ 1896-0200 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/rola-rady-rodzicow-w-skutecznym-zarzadzaniu-szkola-publiczna %X The Role of Parents’ Council in Effective Management of a Public School     School is a specific public organization. Its difference from other organizations is, among other things, that it brings together specific and diverse stakeholders: students, parents and employe­es. The implementation of the goals of such an organization depends to a large extent on the director of the educational institution. The conceptual and social skills of the person managing the school have a significant impact on the formation of correct relationships in a diverse environment. The article attempts to draw attention to the potentially large role of parents’ council in managing a public school. The competences of the parents’ council were emphasized while showing areas of cooperation with the school’s director.