@article{3a0bc09f-c151-432d-90f3-e30b7c226825, author = {Piotr Swacha}, title = {Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreements: International and European Legal Standards}, journal = {Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy)}, volume = {2015}, number = {Vol. 22}, year = {2015}, issn = {1429-9585}, pages = {1-1},keywords = {Social dialogue; international labour organisations; International Labour Orgnaisation; Council of Europe; European Committee of Social Rights; European Social Model; European Union; social partners.}, abstract = {The article is written about the collective agreements from the perspective of the International Labour Organization which — in the two conventions mentioned above — obligates its Member States to promote the idea of collective bargaining between social partners and to support efforts of such social partners aimed at conclusion of collective  agreements. Author presents the case law of the European Committee of Social Rights — a supervisory body within the Council of Europe — that obligates the authorities of the Member States of this international organisation to actively encourage the national social partner organisations to negotiate collective agreements. He concludes that experiences of the international organisations: International Labour Organization, Council of Europe and the European Union prove that the social dialogue and the resulting supranational legal regulations which were originally an alternative method for enactment of the European law within the European Union can and should be used by the  authorities of the Member States and social partners’ organisations in the EU Member States. Use by the government and the social partners’ organisations of the methods of good management of collective labour relations within the European Social Model presented in this study is a valuable supplementation of the presented legal guarantees enabling achievement of the overriding objective of the European Union mentioned in art. 2(1) of the Lisbon Treaty.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/collective-bargaining-and-collective-agreements-international-and-european-legal-standards} }