%0 Journal Article %T Zur Kondition der modernen Sprachgeschichtsforschung in der polnischen Germanistik: Paradigmen, Ansätze, Herausforderungen %A Schönherr, Monika %J Zeitschrift des Verbandes Polnischer Germanisten %V 2015 %R 10.4467/23534893ZG.15.005.3174 %N Zeszyt 1 (2015) %P 65-75 %K German language, German Historical Research, language change, Humanities Sciences, Poland %@ 2353-656X %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeitschrift-des-verbandes-polnischer-germanisten/artykul/zur-kondition-der-modernen-sprachgeschichtsforschung-in-der-polnischen-germanistik-paradigmen-ansatze-herausforderungen %X All language systems change over time, meaning that no language can be completely described without reference to the history of its development. The diachronic considerations are receiving considerable attention in modern linguistics due to a growing number of research projects dedicated to studying the language change. The historical approach is not only being increasingly used as an efficient way to explain the synchronic language phenomena, but is also one of the main goals of academic teaching programs.  The aim of this article is to discuss the current situation in the field of German Historical Studies in Poland. Special attention will be focused on the challenges facing the Polish historical linguists, including the public debate regarding the general condition of the Humanities Sciences.