%0 Journal Article %T O diagnozie z wykorzystaniem ICF jako podstawie organizowania pomocy osobom z niepełnosprawnością – między polityką, wiedzą naukową a praktyką %A Sadowska, Sławomira %A Janiszewska-Nieścioruk, Zdzisława %J Niepełnosprawność %V 2018 %R 10.4467/25439561.NP.18.006.9844 %N Nr 29 (2018) %P 100-114 %K niepełnosprawność, diagnoza, wiedza naukowa, praktyka pomocy %@ 2080-9476 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/o-diagnozie-z-wykorzystaniem-icf-jako-podstawie-organizowania-pomocy-osobom-z-niepelnosprawnoscia-miedzy-polityka-wiedza-naukowa-a-praktyka %X On application of ICF in diagnosis as a foundation for providing help to people with disabilities. Between policy, scientific knowledge and practice The theoretical framework and the ICF methodology often contribute practitioners’ hopes and expectations to use ICF in everyday work. Particularly they affect expectations concerning the understanding of ICF’s theoretical basis, as well as those concerning knowledge about the model of this type of diagnosis and its importance in organizing rehabilitation (regarding both possibilities and drawbacks). The presented analysis is focused on the potential uses of the ICF proposed by: the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy, as well as the knowledge and understanding of the entities, responsible for organizing help and other models of diagnosis. This inquiry has led to believe that the postulate of using ICF in rehabilitation, including everyday practice work with students with disabilities at schools, usually faces numerous obstacles. An objective assessment must include a subjective conviction expressed by a person with a disability. Conjunction of both perspectives allows the functioning of an interactive model of diagnosis, which should be implemented in the rehabilitation, however, bringing it into practice might be significantly impeded by the top-down approach of a diagnosis, regarded with a functional approach. A personal perspective of disability of people involved in helping and their approach towards diagnosis often differs significantly from the theoretical framework the interactive model is based on. Often it also differs from the interpretation adopted by the ICF classification itself. Traditional scientific knowledge usually dominates the way of thinking about disability of people involved in helping, including teachers. That frequently brings those standpoints to “naive” beliefs. The practice of diagnosing reveals that the institutional knowledge and “common knowledge” often dominates the scientific one.