%0 Journal Article %T Obraz świata „dziennikarskiej kuchni” a dziennikarze i mediaworkerzy. Analiza wybranych publikacji miesięcznika Press z lat 2012–2016 %A Worsowicz, Monika %J Zeszyty Prasoznawcze %V 2017 %R 10.4467/22996362PZ.17.027.7324 %N Tom 60, Numer 3 (231) %P 435-450 %K journalist profession, journalism, media working, monthly periodical the Press %@ 0555-0025 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/obraz-swiata-dziennikarskiej-kuchni-a-dziennikarze-i-mediaworkerzy-analiza-wybranych-publikacji-miesiecznika-press-z-lat-2012-2016 %X An image of the world of “journalists’ behind the scenes” versus journalists and mediaworkers. Analysis of selected publications from the monthly periodical the Press between 2012 and 2016   The article is dedicated to the reconstruction of the image of the world of journalists’ backstage which consists of the various types of activities and ways of conduct shown by participants involved in the process of creating media messages as well as in some of the well-known public events, in which they take part and make comments on. That image is recreated based on over 80 publications dated between 2012 and 2016, taken from a technical monthly magazine Press, the journal of a strong marketing status, that since 1996 has continuously been scrutinising the world of the media, publicity and the PR. Researched data have been divided into three groups: 1) texts focused on an inside-and-out scenery of journalists’ work, no matter of which specialities (a column: ‘Media – Warsztat/Workbench’– understood as skills, tools and overall qualities required and needed in the profession); 2) texts on the determinants of functioning of the media and finally; 3) those signalling the issue: ‘journalism versus media working’. The general purpose of the analysis was to reproduce the section of the media world image in order to verbalise the conclusions capturing the relations between a journalist and media worker’s job.