%0 Journal Article %T Ukraiński naród radziecki - kilka uwag z perspektywy wielokulturowej. Cz. 1 %A Demel, Grzegorz %J Prace Etnograficzne %V 2011 %R 10.4467/22999558.PE.11.001.0930 %N Tom 39 %P 27-36 %K “Soviet nation”, Soviet Union, multiculturalism %@ 0083-4327 %D 2011 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/prace-etnograficzne/artykul/ukrainski-narod-radziecki-kilka-uwag-z-perspektywy-wielokulturowej-cz-1 %X The Ukrainian Soviet Nation – some remarks from the multicultural perspective. Part 1. The article describes the process of so called „Soviet nation” building. Using the contemporary western theories (multiculturalism, invention of tradition, constructivist approach to the nation-building process), the author discusses this process as a trial of political nation building but – at the same time – neglecting of the policy of recognition. The catalogue of common “soviet people’s” values promoted by the Communist Party (common communism building, victory over the fascism) and the specific characteristics of “socialist nations” are also presented.