@article{34aa6c62-2299-42d4-b52d-02be8de501c9, author = {Magdalena Różycka, Anna Teler}, title = {Etyka w zarządzaniu organizacją medialną – nierealne ideały czy cele? Wpływ przywódcy na organizację medialną. Ted turner i rupert murdoch – wybrane aspekty działań zarządczych z perspektywy etyki zarządczej}, journal = {Zarządzanie Mediami}, volume = {2017}, number = {Tom 5, Numer 4}, year = {2018}, issn = {}, pages = {179-206},keywords = {media management; ethics; Ted Turner; Rupert Murdoch}, abstract = {Management in Media Organization Seems to Be a Reality, That is Ethically Sensitive Business ethics are more than just words used to enhance the image of a corporation; they are the very foundation of success. Business ethics should be applied at the very moment of management. Due to humanistic management, human is always a goal of every acting. The ethics of a business have the power to help or harm people. Business ethics are important because if an enterprise lacks ethics, the employees, the customers, and everyone else involved with the company can be harmed. This article summarises the findings from a study of practicing managers: Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch, which explored experiences of and views on decision making about actual ethical issues in organizations. The analysis covers issues such as history of Ted Turner System and News Corp. organizations, developing mission, vision and value, strategy formulation, dilemma of a profitability, ethical and social responsibility and influence and role of manager in media organization. Postulating to instill ethics into decision making, creating vision and strategy in media management seems to be very universal.  }, doi = {10.4467/23540214ZM.17.012.8548}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-mediami/artykul/etyka-w-zarzadzaniu-organizacja-medialna-nierealne-idealy-czy-cele-wplyw-przywodcy-na-organizacje-medialna-ted-turner-i-rupert-murdoch-wybrane-aspekty-dzialan-zarzadczych-z-perspektywy-etyki-zarzadczej} }