TY - JOUR TI - „Parlamenty matek i sióstr”. Żydowska Żeńska Służba Społeczna w getcie warszawskim AU - Żółkiewska, Agnieszka TI - „Parlamenty matek i sióstr”. Żydowska Żeńska Służba Społeczna w getcie warszawskim AB - “Parliaments of Mothers and Sisters”: Jewish Women’s Social Service in the Warsaw Ghetto The article explores a broad range of social and aid activities of Jewish women in the Warsaw Ghetto under the aegis of the Jewish Organization for Social Care, known as Jewish Social Self-Help (JSS). Due to hard living conditions, those women were forced into increased outside activities, as well as taking protective actions in aid of strangers, individuals, and families alike. They founded women’s clubs in every house, alongside with many public soup kitchens, common rooms, day care centers and so-called children’s corners, the staff of which would consist mainly of women. All these facilities together formed the largest chain of self-help centers, next to the numerous ghetto House Committees. VL - 2021 IS - Nr 2 (48) PY - 2021 SN - 1506-9729 C1 - 2450-0100 SP - 473 EP - 489 DO - 10.4467/24500100STJ.21.019.15074 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/parlamenty-matek-i-siostr-zydowska-zenska-sluzba-spoleczna-w-getcie-warszawskim KW - getto warszawskie KW - Koła Pań KW - Żeńska Służba Społeczna KW - Żydowska Samopomoc Społeczna KW - Komitety Domowe; Warsaw Ghetto KW - Women’s Circles KW - Women’s Social Service KW - Jewish Social Self-Help KW - House Committees