%0 Journal Article %T Wczesna edukacja i opieka w Polsce na tle krajów UE – wyzwania dla polskiej polityki oświatowej %A Chrzanowska, Iwona %J Niepełnosprawność %V 2016 %N Nr 22 (2016) %P 73-91 %K wczesna edukacja i opieka, wyzwania, polityka oświatowa / early childhood education and care, challenges, educational policy %@ 2080-9476 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/wczesna-edukacja-i-opieka-w-polsce-na-tle-krajow-ue-wyzwania-dla-polskiej-polityki-oswiatowej %X Early childhood education and care in Poland and UE – challenges for Polish educational policy The issue of early childhood education and care is particularly important in the context of demo- graphic indicators for the Polish, but also the EU. The aging of European society is a fact. The number of children under 5 years of age in the EU by 2030 will be decreased (the average rate – 7.6%). In Poland, the downward trend will be one of the highest in Europe (estimated at 25%). In this context, the quality of early childhood education and investment in human capital are among the main priorities. They will determine the future of country and society. The presented results of analyzes on the state of early childhood education and care in Poland and the EU will help to diagnose areas of educational activities necessary to reflect on the priorities and possibly also attitudes towards this stage of the education of children in our country.