@article{33b0c461-e939-4019-8138-5cd4af3a611e, author = {Wiesława Lizińska, Izabela Serocka, Renata Marks-Bielska}, title = {Nakłady inwestycyjne przedsiębiorstw z kapitałem zagranicznym w okresie kryzysu gospodarczego}, journal = {International Business and Global Economy}, volume = {2014}, number = {Tom 33}, year = {2015}, issn = {2300-6102}, pages = {419-429},keywords = {enterprises with foreign capital; investment outlays; economic crisis}, abstract = {The economic crisis of recent years affected not only the business and financial results of enterprises, but also the value of their investment outlays. The purpose of the article was to analyze and evaluate changes in the value of investment outlays incurred by enterprises with foreign capital in Poland in the years 2007–2012. The analysis allowed to indicate groups of enterprises with the highest dynamic of vulnerable to the economic crisis. The analysis was carried out taking into account the size of the companies and the origin of capital (domestic and foreign). The highest growth rate of investment outlays characterized a group of micro companies with foreign capital. Despite the crisis, the value of imports and exports in the companies with foreign capital did not decrease as much as in the case of investment. Companies with the participation of foreign capital presented a higher growth rate of revenues.}, doi = {10.4467/23539496IB.13.030.2415}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ibage/artykul/naklady-inwestycyjne-przedsiebiorstw-z-kapitalem-zagranicznym-w-okresie-kryzysu-gospodarczego} }