@article{32639f91-4ba3-4487-b53c-7c388ba106da, author = {Anna Pluszyńska}, title = {Zarządzanie prawem autorskim – wstęp do zagadnienia}, journal = {Zarządzanie w Kulturze}, volume = {2011}, number = {Tom 12, Numer 1}, year = {2013}, issn = {1896-8201}, pages = {43-53},keywords = {copyright; management; author; collective management organization; publisher; proprietary approach; free culture}, abstract = {Copyright management – introduction The present article is an attempt to analyze the process of formation of copyright management models. It’s aim is also to analyze the role which individual artists, collective management organizations and publishers play in this process. The author describes here both the directions, the creation and the exploitation of creative work results (propriety approach and “free culture” approach) and reviewes the currently available forms of copyright management..}, doi = {10.4467/20843976ZK.11.004.0127}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/zarzadzanie-prawem-autorskim-wstep-do-zagadnienia} }