%0 Journal Article %T The EU Approach to Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crisis: An Elephant in the Room? %A Hausler, Kristin %J Santander Art and Culture Law Review %V 2021 %R 10.4467/2450050XSNR.21.025.15270 %N 2/2021 (7) %P 193-202 %K cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, climate change, EU external relations, peace and security %@ 2391-7997 %D 2021 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/saaclr/artykul/the-eu-approach-to-cultural-heritage-in-conflict-and-crisis-an-elephant-in-the-room %X This Note considers the Conclusions on EU Approach to Cultural Heritage in Conflicts and Crises, which were adopted by the Council of the European Union on 21 June 2021. It starts by analysing the shift in the way cultural heritage has been perceived since the introduction of cultural heritage within the EU’s external relations’ strategy. It then considers how the role of cultural heritage as a vector of peace and development could be strengthened and consolidated through a better articulation of its linkages with climate change.