TY - JOUR TI - Wpływ nowych technologii na zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwami turystycznymi AU - Kurleto, Małgorzata TI - Wpływ nowych technologii na zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwami turystycznymi AB - The impact of technologies on the tourism company management This paper attempts to present the impact of new communication and information technologies (ICT) and other information on the management of tourism enterprises. The analysis is trying to show the impact of computer information systems (CRS, GDS) data management systems, customer management systems (CRM), advanced telecommunications systems (WLAN WIMAX) and the Internet both on the efficiency of business processes as well to show their importance for changing of management strategy which takes place in tourism enterprises operating in e- technology environment. This change is referring to the shift away from the application of the concept based on the theory of Porter’s Five Forces (which calling for the competitive struggle between participants of business processes) and replace it with the concept derived from game theory (which prefer the mutual cooperation and communication among tourism enterprises). The overriding goal of the new concept of management is to maximize the added value of new tourism enterprises. The achievement of this goal is possible with the introduction of knowledge and innovation management in that, among other things that use a modern e-technology. VL - 2013 IS - Numer 1 (21) PY - 2013 SN - 1896-0200 C1 - 2084-3968 SP - 91 EP - 102 DO - 10.4467/20843968ZP.13.008.1081 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/wplyw-nowych-technologii-na-zarzadzanie-przedsiebiorstwami-turystycznymi KW - new technology KW - management KW - tourism enterprises