@article{2eb8c9dd-870a-47ad-af0d-313ed3b27b29, author = {Izabella Gałuszka, Agnieszka Ochman}, title = {Opinie studentów pedagogiki specjalnej na temat twórczości}, journal = {Niepełnosprawność}, volume = {2017}, number = {Nr 27 (2017)}, year = {2017}, issn = {2080-9476}, pages = {181-196},keywords = {education; special education; creativeness; creative thinking}, abstract = {The opinions on the creativity of special education students Creative should be accompanied every person in everyday life. It is inherent in the development of each individual, of any age. Children are naturally creative. However, improperly conducted education can effectively inhibit the spontaneous creativity. Children with various difficulties in development are usually reluctant to take action related to the broadly understood education. Whether the stimulating creativity may mean that classes will be attractive and effective? Definitely yes! So, how special education students understand the creativity and whether it is consistent with the generally accepted views?Howrespondents evaluate their own creative potential? The article is a description of results of research showing the knowledge and opinions about the creativity of students who study of the Special Needs Education in Pedagogical University of Cracow. Special needs educator besides being a competent therapist also should be able to activate their pupils to by creative. In order to fulfill these tasks must know: what it is creativity, who is recognized as a creative person, what are the creative processes and products, and how to stimulate creative thinking their pupils.}, doi = {10.4467/25439561.NP.17.047.8122}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/opinie-studentow-pedagogiki-specjalnej-na-temat-tworczosci} }