%0 Journal Article %T Rola upełnomocnienia rodziców w procesie wczesnego wspomagania rozwoju dzieci z niepełnosprawnościami %A Twardowski, Andrzej %J Niepełnosprawność %V 2016 %R 10.4467/25439561.NP.16.013.6839 %N Nr 24 (2016) %P 200-211 %K upełnomocnienie, rodzice, wczesne wspomaganie rozwoju, dzieci z niepełnosprawnością %@ 2080-9476 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/niepelnosprawnosc/artykul/rola-upelnomocnienia-rodzicow-w-procesie-wczesnego-wspomagania-rozwoju-dzieci-z-niepelnosprawnosciami %X The role of parental empowerment in early childhood intervention Over the last two decades the traditional approach in early childhood intervention has been exchanged by a new, family-focused one. The main assumption of this modern paradigm is that supporting the family is essential for the therapeutic work to be effective. Empowerment is fostered by taking actions and facing challenges independently. Thus, professionals in the area of early childhood intervention should create opportunities for the members of the family to improve their self-sufficiency, develop own skills and strengthen social support networks. In this paper the Author introduces: 1) the family-focused approach in early childhood intervention, 2) the concept of parental empowerment and 3) the role of the professionals in the parental empowerment process.