@article{2cbbe1b1-63b8-400d-87c1-4c5a733c1a77, author = {Marek Pacukiewicz}, title = {An unwritten Tristes Tropiques: Claude Lévi-Strauss and Joseph Conrad}, journal = {Yearbook of Conrad Studies}, volume = {2011}, number = {Vol. VI}, year = {2012}, issn = {1899-3028}, pages = {43-56},keywords = {cultural anthropology; Conrad studies; Tristes Tropiques}, abstract = {In an interview with Didier Eribon, Claude Lévi-Strauss admitted that he wished he had written Joseph Conrad’s books. It seems that once he even started writing a “Conradian” novel entitled Tristes Tropiques, but the only known fragment of this novel would seem to be the description of a sunset, which has become part of another book of the same title containing reminiscences from his journeys. In what way, then, did Conrad infl uence this unusual book by Lévi-Strauss? There are certainly similarities between the works of both writers. Apart from a similarity of literary form and cultural substance, we can fi nd a unique “optical experience” (Dariusz Czaja) in their descriptions of sunsets, which I interpret as a substructure of their studies of the world, culture and human knowledge.}, doi = {10.4467/20843941YC.11.005.0029}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/yearbook-of-conrad-studies/artykul/an-unwritten-tristes-tropiques-claude-levi-strauss-and-joseph-conrad} }