%0 Journal Article %T The impact of the Act of September 10, 2015 amending some statues in connection with the promotion of amicable dispute resolution methods on the separate proceedings in cases within the subject-matter and scope of labour law – selected issues %A Olaś, Andrzej %A Moras-Olaś, Kinga %J Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej (Studies on Labour Law and Social Policy) %V 2016 %N Vol. 23 %P 447-460 %K amicable dispute resolution methods, labour-related proceedings, mediation %@ 1429-9585 %D 2016 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/the-impact-of-the-act-of-september-10-2015-amending-some-statues-in-connection-with-the-promotion-of-amicable-dispute-resolution-methods-on-the-separate-proceedings-in-cases-within-the-subject-matter-and-scope-of-labour-law-selected-issues %X The aim of this article is to analyze the impact of some of the major changes introduced to Code of Civil Procedure by the Act of September 10, 2015 amending some statutes in connection with the promotion of amicable dispute resolution methods on the labour-related proceedings, from the stand-point of the degree of harmonization of both regulations, in particular the assessment of the correctness of incorporating the new provisions in existing legal framework governing employment disputes. Discussed regulation is aimed at popularizing mediation and other methods of extra-judicial settlement of disputes in civil matters. It should be noted that the labour-related cases are assumed to have high potential for amicable resolution so one may also assume that the solutions introduced by the ADR promotion Act will have a strong bearing on the labour-related proceedings.