@article{2aaf0b38-50bd-4b54-86af-47e7877b8b76, author = {Michał Górski}, title = {Trafność metod profilowania geograficznego na przykładzie włamań na terenie Warszawy}, journal = {Problems of Forensic Sciences (Z Zagadnień Nauk Sądowych)}, volume = {2021}, number = {125}, year = {2021}, issn = {1230-7483}, pages = {51-65},keywords = {}, abstract = {In the current study different geographic profiling methods were tested on a sample of burglaries in Warsaw. Overall 38 crime series were included in study, accuracy was measured as hit score and error distance. Results show limited obtained accuracy, comparably lower than what can be seen in similar tests conducted in western cities, but each method also shows improvement with series length. This shows that it is possible to use geographic profiling in polish setting, but also that there are significant limitations that one has to consider.}, doi = {10.4467/12307483PFS.20.004.14784}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/problems-of-forensic-sciences/artykul/the-accuracy-of-geographic-profiling-methods-based-on-the-example-of-burglaries-in-warsaw} }