TY - JOUR TI - Państwo, naród, społeczeństwo w narracji tygodnika „Dzwon Niedzielny” (w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym) AU - Pachowicz, Anna TI - Państwo, naród, społeczeństwo w narracji tygodnika „Dzwon Niedzielny” (w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym) AB - State, Nation, Society in the Narrative of the „Dzwon Niedzielny” Weekly (in the Interwar Period) “Dzwon Niedzielny” [Sunday Bell] was a catholic weekly published in Krakow in the years 1924–1939 by the Catholic Publishing Association. From 1930, the magazine was a body of the Archdiocesan Institute of Catholic Action. From 1929, it was decided that supplements would be published every two weeks for children (“Dzwoneczek”), for women (“Matka i Gospodyni”), for the clergy (“Kapłan”), and from 1933 “Młodzież Polska” – a circular on relations of the Catholic Association of Polish Youth. The weekly was edited by priests F. Frydek (1924–1925), F. Machay (1925–1929) and T. Długosz (1929–1939), During the interwar period, this periodical served an informational role, it touched not only religious topics, but also social and educational issues, and published news from the life of the church. The information was provided by the Catholic Press Agency from Warsaw and the Polish Radio. The weekly also had correspondents in Italy and France. The purpose of this article is, on the one hand, to analyze the messages posted, mentions of socio-patriotic and educational topics posted in the “Dzwon Niedzielny” weekly, and on the other hand, the assessment of their social role. The weekly was distributed throughout the Archdiocese of Krakow, as well as outside its borders in Polish communities such as in France and Denmark VL - 2019 IS - Tom XXVIII PY - 2019 SN - 2451-4993 C1 - 2543-733X SP - 97 EP - 106 DO - 10.4467/2543733XSSB.19.008.11407 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ssb/artykul/panstwo-narod-spoleczenstwo-w-narracji-tygodnika-dzwon-niedzielny-w-dwudziestoleciu-miedzywojennym KW - tygodnik „Dzwon Niedzielny”; prasa krakowska; państwo – naród – społeczeństwo / State KW - nation KW - society in the narrative of the “Dzwon Niedzielny” weekly (in the interwar period) the “Dzwon Niedzielny” weekly; Krakow press; state – nation – society