%0 Journal Article %T Istota i konsekwencje ekonomiczne wypalenia zawodowego %A Simpson, Dorota %J International Business and Global Economy %V 2013 %R 10.4467/23539496IB.13.013.2649 %N Tom 32 %P 187-201 %K postindustrial era, informatisation, changes, immaterial labour, burnt-out syndrome %@ 2300-6102 %D 2013 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ibage/artykul/istota-i-konsekwencje-ekonomiczne-wypalenia-zawodowego %X The essence and the economic consequences of burn-out In the postindustrial era, based on services and informatisation of all aspects of an individual’s life, employees’ knowledge and skills (preferably communication and interpersonal skills), their flexibility and mobility acquired a particular significance (importance). A permanent increase in the flow of information which has to be analysed, and the need of communication with others result in lenghtening of a working day. A universal use of mobile phones and mobile Internet cause that the end of a working day becomes illusory for many employees, because it is very common to find a requirement of evening and weekend availability in the candidate profiles published by employers. However, increasing involvement, duties, and responsibilities of employees do not result in an adequate (appropriate) rise of their salaries. The consequences of this process can lead to burnt-out syndrome. The phenomenon of the burnt-out syndrome becomes more and more common and that is why the purpose of the paper is to diagnose its essence, reasons, and to find the methods of its prevention. Literature studies and case study methods illustrating the burnt-out syndrome were utilised to achieve the aim of the paper, and the monographic method was used to present the results of the research.