%0 Journal Article %T Asertywność a stres, poczucie własnej skuteczności i satysfakcja z pracy doświadczane przez lekarzy %A Hulewska, Aleksandra %J Zeszyty Prasoznawcze %V 2015 %R 10.4467/2299-6362PZ.15.021.4131 %N Tom 58, Numer 2 (222) %P 276-283 %K asertywność lekarzy, stres, poczucie własnej skuteczności, komunikacja lekarz–pacjent %@ 0555-0025 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zeszyty-prasoznawcze/artykul/asertywnosc-a-stres-poczucie-wlasnej-skutecznosci-i-satysfakcja-z-pracy-doswiadczane-przez-lekarzy %X Assertiveness and stress, self-efficacy, job satisfaction experienced by doctor This article presents the results of research on the relationship between the doctors’ level of assertiveness and their: occupational stress, job satisfaction and self-efficacy. It was assumed that doctors with a high level of assertiveness will have a higher level of job satisfaction and self-efficacy and the lower level of stress. In the study completed in October 2013 one hundred doctors employed in hospitals in Lower Silesia attended. The results obtained by the two groups of subjects: with the high and the low level of assertiveness were summarized. Statistical analysis of the results confirmed the initial hypothesis depicting the importance of assertiveness in the effective fulfilling the professional role of the doctor.