%0 Journal Article %T Pokonać epidemię, czyli o dekadentyzmie w literaturze serbskiej (na przykładzie powieści Strast Davida S. Pijadego) %A Nowak-Bajcar, Sylwia %J Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis %V 2017 %R 10.4467/20843933ST.17.018.7584 %N Volume 12, Issue 3 %P 223-233 %K naturalizm, dekadentyzm, Eros i Tanatos, homoerotyzm, literatura serbska początku XX wieku. %@ 1897-3035 %D 2018 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-litteraria-uic/artykul/pokonac-epidemie-czyli-o-dekadentyzmie-w-literaturze-serbskiej-na-przykladzie-powiesci-strast-davida-s-pijadego %X To Defeat an Epidemic, or on Decadence in Serbian Literature (the Case of David S. Pijade’s novel Strast)     Since its publication in 1921, David S. Pijade’s Strast (The Passion)  has been classified as a naturalist novel, contrary to its themes: passion as subordinated to the fatalism of nature: Eros and Thanatos, the hedonistic experience of an ‚intense moment’, the theme of sacred lesbian love. The article indicates that this classification is a mistake stemming from the lack of the decadent movement in Serbia, either as a literary current, or a worldview. A new reading proposed in this article calls for a revision of persistent views about the shape of Serbian modernism in the early twentieth century.