%0 Journal Article %T Charakterystyka wybranych organizacji pozarządowych jako podmiotów rynku kultury niezależnej %A Laberschek, Marcin %J Zarządzanie w Kulturze %V 2009 %N Tom 10 %P 103-116 %@ 1896-8201 %D 2009 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/charakterystyka-wybranych-organizacji-pozarzadowych-jako-podmiotow-rynku-kultury-niezaleznej %X The article The Description of Selected Non-Governmental Organizations as Agents of the Market of Independent Culture presents results of a survey based on a series of interviews with managers of Cracow-based non-profi t organizations promoting independent culture. It focuses on a three elements shared by aforementioned organizations. First – NGOs are fully operational agents of the market, which signifi cantly differ from companies, institutions and individual authors. Second – those differences result both from goals of various agents (the goal of a company is its own interest, of an institution – public interest and non-profit organization – the interest of culture) and their respective ways of functioning (concerning management and marketing). Third – since NGOs take part in the market, they cannot completely separate themselves from an influence of commercial factors. The analysis of the results reveals a frequent conflict between material and artistic values.