@article{23491372-bd9b-4362-979e-c67116d5ad0c, author = {Anna Ryłko-Kurpiewska}, title = {Nowe oblicza reklamy zewnętrznej. Komunikacja „tu” i „teraz”}, journal = {Media Biznes Kultura}, volume = {2019}, number = {Numer 1 (6) 2019}, year = {2019}, issn = {2451-1986}, pages = {127-140},keywords = {reklama zewnętrzna; rynek reklamy OOH; komunikacja; kontekst; społeczeństwo; outdoor advertising; OOH advertising market; communication; context; society.}, abstract = {New faces of outdoor advertising. The “here” and now” communication The author of the article presents changes taking place on the advertising market resulting from the growing importance of OOH (Out of Home) carriers. The discovery of the potential of outdoor advertising media by advertisers is here both the result of the conclusions drawn from the study of media consumption as well as technological changes leading to the effectiveness of remittances. The aim of the considerations is to show the specificity of advertising communication adopting a personalized form, using the recipients’ mobility and their longer presence outside the home, the immediacy of contact proper to the medium and the elimination of the time and spatial distance between the sender and the recipient. These factors unambiguously influence the way messages are constructed, which are currently subject to new rules, which is manifested, among others, in resigning from the basic element of the outdoor – slogan – as a proper agent for authoritative messages, suggesting a superior relation of the sender to the recipient. Reversing the communication relationship and making the addressee the main subject and perpetrator of events is now a clear trend in the changing face of the OOH market from year to year.}, doi = {10.4467/25442554.MBK.19.012.10714}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/media-biznes-kultura/artykul/nowe-oblicza-reklamy-zewnetrznej-komunikacja-tu-i-teraz} }