%0 Journal Article %T My naród – czyli kto? Kategoria my – oni w przemówieniach Jarosława Kaczyńskiego z okazji rocznic smoleńskich %A Kępka, Izabela %J Media Biznes Kultura %V 2017 %R 10.4467/25442554.MBK.17.008.7655 %N Numer 1 (2) 2017 %P 119-129 %K language of politics, propaganda, transnational relations, axiology, linguistic creation of the nation. %@ 2451-1986 %D 2017 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/media-biznes-kultura/artykul/my-narod-czyli-kto-kategoria-my-oni-w-przemowieniach-jaroslawa-kaczynskiego-z-okazji-rocznic-smolenskich %X We the People – who is it? Category we – they in the speeches of Jaroslaw Kaczynski on the occasion of Smoleńsk anniversary The matter of this article is to show the role of the category of a person in the creation of the image of the Polish society after the Smoleńsk catastrophe in J. Kaczyński’s speeches. Kaczyński uses the form ‘us’ to specify the community of people that think in the way he thinks. The form ‘they’ has in his speeches three tasks: it specifi es people who died in the catastrophe, it specifies the group of people who support Kaczyński and collect money for sculptures etc. The third group is presented by his political enemies. Kaczyński uses also impersonal forms. The specify the political enemies and show their bad actions. The biggest enemy is the Polish government with Donald Tusk.