TY - JOUR TI - Right to Work in Article 27 of the UNCRPD and “Sweatshops for Severly Handicapped Persons” AU - Eichenhofer, Eberhard TI - Right to Work in Article 27 of the UNCRPD and “Sweatshops for Severly Handicapped Persons” AB - In Germany since generations sweatshops for persons with severe handicaps do exist. As to § 56 of the Social Code IX these institutions have to develop, improve, unfold or restore the capabilities of persons with severe handicaps. They are addressed to persons, who are—depending on the manner and severity of their handicap—cannot be employed on the general labour market. They should contribute in sweatshops to a minimum standard of economic production and their transition into the general labour market should be supported. ASJC: 3308, JEL: K31 VL - Volume 28 (2021) IS - Tom 28 Zeszyt 1 PY - 2021 SN - 1429-9585 C1 - 2544-4654 SP - 13 EP - 26 DO - 10.4467/25444654SPP.21.002.13196 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/right-to-work-in-article-27-of-the-uncrpd-and-sweatshops-for-severly-handicapped-persons KW - Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych KW - prawa człowieka KW - osoby niepełnosprawne KW - Powszechna deklaracja praw człowieka KW - prześladowania ludności żydowskiej w Niemczech w okresie narodowego socjalizmu KW - prawo naturalne KW - konstytucja weimarska KW - prawa gospodarcze KW - społeczne i kulturowe KW - Amartya Sen KW - Martha C. Nussbaum KW - podejście do zdolności KW - prawo do pracy KW - pomoc społeczna i ochrona osób niepełnosprawnych KW - zakłady pracy chronionej; United Nations KW - Human Rights KW - Persons with Disabilities KW - Universal Declaration of Human Rights KW - persecution of Jewish people in Germany during the NS period KW - natural law KW - Weimar Constitution KW - economic KW - social and cultural rights KW - capability approach KW - right to work KW - social assistance and protection for the handicapped persons KW - sheltered institutions