%0 Journal Article %T Postrzeganie czasu i poczucie dobrostanu w adaptacji do starości %A Szczuka, Joanna %A Steuden, Stanisława %J Psychologia Rozwojowa %V 2020 %R 10.4467/20843879PR.20.019.13156 %N Tom 25, Numer 3 %P 65-76 %K dobrostan psychiczny, adaptacja do starości, perspektywa temporalna; psychological well-being, adaptation to old age, time perception %@ 1895-6297 %D 2020 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/psychologia-rozwojowa/artykul/postrzeganie-czasu-i-poczucie-dobrostanu-w-adaptacji-do-starosci %X Time Perception and Psychological Well-being in Adapting to Old Age The subject of the studies was to indicate whether there is a relationship between the time perception of older people and their psychological well-being. The study included 238 persons aged 60 years and older. To collect data, the following tools of psychological measurement were applied: Psychological Well-Being Scale (SDP) and The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI). It has been proven that the past positive time perspective is the one that best characterizes a given group. Numerous statistically significant relationships between particular time perspectives and psychological well-being have been demonstrated, both in their global area and in their individual dimensions.