@article{13b73252-8772-4f5a-a3c8-ff86284a2161, author = {Włodzimierz Cezary Włodarczyk, Anna Kowalska, Anna Mokrzycka }, title = {Innowacyjne wielowymiarowe narzędzie oceny polityki zdrowotnej i polityki zdrowia publicznego – matryca ewaluacyjna HPA (Health Policy Assessment). Podstawy metodologiczne, opis narzędzia}, journal = {Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie}, volume = {2010}, number = {Tom 8, Numer 2}, year = {2010}, issn = {1731-7398}, pages = {4-29},keywords = {polityka zdrowotna; zdrowie publiczne; ewaluacja polityki zdrowotnej; legislacja; proces legislacyjny; regulacje wykonawcze; sektorowa polityka zdrowotna; metody oceny polityki zdrowotnej; instrumentarium badawcze}, abstract = {The Innovative, Multidimensional Tool for the Health Policy and Public Health Policy Assessment – the Evaluation Matrix HPA (Health Policy Assessment). Basic Methodology and the Toll Description Health policy as a process and as activities in the sphere of public responsibility may cause different evaluation problems but at the same time the proper and reliable assessment should be understood as the essential interest of the engaged stakeholders: government at different levels, payers, providers and patients as well. The paper concerns the problem of difficulties influencing the research focused on the health policy description aiming at the indication of the most important factors, effects, possible development dimensions that may significantly change the health system. The methodology in this case is also a complicated issue: quite often based on the instruments typical for social disciplines but not completely applicable for the presented subject. The paper describes the new innovative and universal tool for the purpose of the analysis aiming at reliable and comparable health policy assessment, it presents the stages and objectives of such evaluation and the perspectives of the HPA matrix development both for research and for didactic purposes.}, doi = {}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zdrowie-publiczne-i-zarzadzanie/artykul/innowacyjne-wielowymiarowe-narzedzie-oceny-polityki-zdrowotnej-i-polityki-zdrowia-publicznego-matryca-ewaluacyjna-hpa-health-policy-assessment-podstawy-metodologiczne-opis-narzedzia} }