@article{137a4882-87f9-4332-bfd3-7090b756ea23, author = {Jan Frankowski, Magdalena Szmytkowska}, title = {Regionalne zróżnicowanie nowych partnerstw miejskich w Polsce}, journal = {Zarządzanie Publiczne}, volume = {2015}, number = {Numer 2 (30)}, year = {2015}, issn = {1896-0200}, pages = {131-150},keywords = {zarządzanie wielopoziomowe; miejskie obszary funkcjonalne; partnerstwa miejskie; zintegrowane inwestycje terytorialne; regionalne programy operacyjne}, abstract = {Regional diversity of new urban partnerships in Poland The aim of this article is the analyze of the shape of urban partnerships in the functional areas for which the regional authorities have allocated funds in projects of regional operational programs for 2014–2020 submitted to the European Commission. Our method was desk research of press articles and strategic documents. The effect is the map of the new urban partnerships. In comparison to the output delimitation of the functional urban areas around Polish voivodeship capital cities, Warsaw and Cracow decreased their functional area, in opposite to the most other regional capitals. In case of the cities that has experienced metropolitan partnership, functional areas were developed on the basis of existing associations. In some cases, functional areas were formed according to the Ministry of Regional Development’s recommendations. In some cases, regional authorities declared support for urban functional areas also beyond the capital city. It was specific especially for large, strongly polarized regions with included big subregional towns (often old voivodeship capitals). In a few cases, the density of those functional areas was lower than country’s average. It suggests that subregional towns would rather created their urban partnership especially for increas­ing the negotiation advantage than to finance well-thought integrated investments.  }, doi = {10.4467/20843968ZP.15.012.3583}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-publiczne/artykul/regionalne-zroznicowanie-nowych-partnerstw-miejskich-w-polsce} }