@article{115a9f68-530c-4997-a591-235a20e8bd43, author = {Joanna Rzepa}, title = {Sól ziemi Józefa Wittlina: w kręgu recepcji „pozapolskiej” powieści}, journal = {Przekładaniec}, volume = {2013}, number = {Numer 27 – Przekład prozy}, year = {2014}, issn = {1425-6851}, pages = {186-200},keywords = {Józef Wittlin; recepcja; interpretacja; struktura narracji; okoliczności polityczno-społeczne}, abstract = {Józef Wittlin’s Salt of the Earth: Reception of the “Non-Polish” Novel This article discusses the reception of Wittlin’s Salt of the Earth among its fi rst Polish and English-language readers. It compares the interpretations of the fi rst reviewers and points out differences in their readings. It argues that the discrepancies in the Polish and English-language interpretations can be attributed to the complex narrative structure of the text. Socio-political circumstances in which the interpretations originated may have had a substantial infl uence on the way in which the reviewers read the tension present in the narrative structure of the book. Hence, one could argue that the act of translation into English, a transplantation of the text into a new cultural and socio-political context, opened up the possibility to read anew the novel’s semantic structures, thus shifting the critical focus to the areas which had not been explored in the Polish context.}, doi = {10.4467/16891864PC.13.010.1292}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/przekladaniec/artykul/sol-ziemi-jozefa-wittlina-w-kregu-recepcji-pozapolskiej-powiesci} }