TY - JOUR TI - Współczesna krytyka feministyczna: inny stan skupienia AU - Kraskowska, Ewa TI - Współczesna krytyka feministyczna: inny stan skupienia AB - CONTEMPORARY FEMINISTIC CRITICISM: ANOTHER STATE OF MATTER The article recapitulates briefly the history and achievements of Polish feministic criticism in the course of the last two decades, so as to analyze its present condition and immediate future perspectives against this background. According to the authoress, after the period of considerable successes and evident research autonomy, the academic identity of this branch of literary studies, became somewhat obliterated. Feministic criticism operates today as a participant of various alliances and methodological constellations, among others, together with the reflection from under the sign of gender or queer; it also appears together with post-colonial or eco-critical thought, as well as with post-humanism, new historicism or cultural materialism. And although the ease with which it enters into alliances with other cultural discourses in literature studies, obliterates somewhat its formerly sharp and prominent contours, at the same time it provides it with energy which is necessary to exist and generate new projects; at the same time, special emphasis is attached to feministic studies of Polish literature VL - 2011 IS - Numer 2 (10) 2011: Krytyka feministyczna – dokonania i perspektywy PY - 2011 SN - 1897-1962 C1 - 2084-395X SP - 51 EP - 59 DO - 10.4467/2084395XWI.12.019.0541 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/wieloglos/artykul/wspolczesna-krytyka-feministyczna-inny-stan-skupienia KW - polska krytyka feministyczna KW - feministyczna historiografia literacka KW - pisarka drugorzędna