%0 Journal Article %T Ferie zimowe i wiosenne w czasach społecznej izolacji z perspektywy uczniów klas młodszych %A Puda, Karolina %J Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna %V 2022 %R 10.4467/23537159PPW.22.012.16872 %N 1 (19)/2022 %P 137-147 %K dziecięce ferie zimowe, pandemia, izolacja społeczna, COVID-19 w szkole, pandemia w szkole, czas wolny %@ 2353-7140 %D 2022 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/ppiw/artykul/ferie-zimowe-i-wiosenne-w-czasach-spolecznej-izolacji-z-perspektywy-uczniow-klas-mlodszych %X Winter and spring holidays in times of social isolation from the perspective of younger students The holidays during the pandemic are over. What were they like? How did they look from the children’s perspective? The aim of my research was to find out what children think about spending their free time during the winter and spring breaks in the time of social isolation. I will try to present it in the article below. The purpose of this article is to present on children’s views on winter holidays in times of social isolation. The main question orienting my research activity was: How do children of the younger classes describe winter holidays during social isolation?