@article{0c034ce5-7956-4c51-a4a4-ef54fecc9eed, author = {Wojciech Piasek}, title = {Crowdfunding historyczny jako przejaw kształtowania się nowych form uspołecznienia jednostki w kulturze współczesnej na przykładzie platformy PolakPotrafi.pl}, journal = {Zarządzanie w Kulturze}, volume = {2019}, number = {Tom 20, Numer 1}, year = {2019}, issn = {1896-8201}, pages = {133-142},keywords = {crowdfunding historyczny; uspołecznienie jednostek; kultura ponowoczesna; sieciowe plemiona; platforma PolakPotrafi.pl ; historical crowdfunding; socialisation of individuals; postmodern culture; online tribes; PolakPotrafi.pl.}, abstract = {Historical Crowdfunding as a Manifestation of the New Forms of Socialisation of an Individual in Contemporary Culture. The Case Study of PolakPotrafi.pl In the paper, I pose the question about the type of communities with which we are dealing in the case of historical crowdfunding. The subject of research includes the crowdfunding projects whose goals are related to the past and have been published on the PolakPotrafi.pl platform. I place the answer to the above question in the context of the socialisation of individuals and in the context of the change that takes place in this field in a postmodern society. I arrive at the conclusion that there are new online tribes forming around the registered historical crowdfunding projects. These tribes are always temporary, short-lived communities of supporters. The bond that ties the group together is immediate and intense but precarious.  }, doi = {10.4467/20843976ZK.19.008.10341}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/zarzadzanie-w-kulturze/artykul/crowdfunding-historyczny-jako-przejaw-ksztaltowania-sie-nowych-form-uspolecznienia-jednostki-w-kulturze-wspolczesnej-na-przykladzie-platformy-polakpotrafi-pl} }