@article{09f46d2f-82d1-4af7-9557-16f825b73ce7, author = {Monika Białek}, title = {Dźwiękowa identyfikacja bohaterów w reportażu radiowym}, journal = {Media Biznes Kultura}, volume = {2017}, number = {Numer 1 (2) 2017}, year = {2017}, issn = {2451-1986}, pages = {181-195},keywords = {radio; reportage; radio document; Polish Radio}, abstract = {Auditory identification of characters in radio reportages Apart from auditory impressions, the invisibility of radio messages implies additional stimuli. Phonic works, radio reportages included, stimulate not only the sense of hearing, but also the auditory imagination of their audiences. An artistic radio message may be perceived as successful only if the auditory perception is accompanied by associative images. They are essential for the proper comprehension of messages and identifi cation of characters. The article presents various forms of auditory presentation of characters. Particular individuals may be phonically designated in the utterances made by other people depicted in the reportage, as well as by the reportage makers themselves. The author can also present them formally, using techniques typical for news journalism, or through the use of style, by subjecting the identifi cation process to the convention. Most often however, the characters remain anonymous and are specified only by the accompanying events.}, doi = {10.4467/25442554.MBK.17.012.7659}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/media-biznes-kultura/artykul/dzwiekowa-identyfikacja-bohaterow-w-reportazu-radiowym} }