@article{060fcfe2-66bf-4702-91cb-0cd85d57195d, author = {Sonia Kamińska}, title = {Franz Brentano and His Competing World Views. A Philosopher’s Choice between Science and Religion}, journal = {Studia Religiologica}, volume = {2014}, number = {Tom 47, Numer 4}, year = {2014}, issn = {0137-2432}, pages = {285-294},keywords = {Brentano; philosophy of mind; religion; world view; Aristotle; Aquinas; substance; mind; God ; Brentano; filozofia umysłu; religia; światopogląd; Arystoteles; św. Tomasz; substancja; umysł; Bóg}, abstract = {There are two types of philosophy of mind in Brentano: (A) Aristotelian, and (B) genuinely Brentanian. The former (A) is to be found in the Aristotelica series; and by (B) I understand the content of Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint.  The manuscripts for its unwritten parts and Brentano’s lectures on God and immortality of the soul surprisingly fall into A . These lines of thought are so different that it can be astonishing that they were authored by one person. In my paper I will try to show the roots of this dichotomy as well as to check whether there is a conflict between these theories, and, if so, whether they can be reconciled. These are not only two different philosophical theories, but at least one of them is a manifestation of a world view, and a key to it can be found in Brentano’s biography.}, doi = {10.4467/20844077SR.14.021.3122}, url = {https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-religiologica/artykul/franz-brentano-and-his-competing-world-views-a-philosophers-choice-between-science-and-religion} }