TY - JOUR TI - Malarki, rzeźbiarki i graficzki z krakowskiego Zrzeszenia Żydowskich Artystów (1931–1939) AU - Styrna, Natasza TI - Malarki, rzeźbiarki i graficzki z krakowskiego Zrzeszenia Żydowskich Artystów (1931–1939) AB - Women Painters, Sculptors and Graphic Artists from the Kraków Association of Jewish Artists, 1931–1939 Eleven women belonged to the Kraków Association of Jewish Artists, active in the 1930s. They dealt with painting, graphic art and sculpture. Unfortunately, not much has survived from their achievements. One of the most interesting artistic personalities in this group was Henryka Kernerówna, educated in Vienna. From 1918 on, female artists younger than her could benefit from studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. In the reviews of the exhibitions of the Association, the gender of artists was rarely mentioned, except in some cases. The artists also belonged to other non-Jewish art groups. Most of them survived the war, but none of them remained in Kraków. Three of them were killed. VL - 2021 IS - Nr 2 (48) PY - 2021 SN - 1506-9729 C1 - 2450-0100 SP - 407 EP - 435 DO - 10.4467/24500100STJ.21.017.15072 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/malarki-rzezbiarki-i-graficzki-z-krakowskiego-zrzeszenia-zydowskich-artystow-1931-1939 KW - kobiety KW - sztuka KW - Kraków KW - okres międzywojenny; women KW - art KW - interwar period