%0 Journal Article %T “We CallHim Mister (Pan) Editor”: Nahum Sokolow and Modern Hebrew Literature %A Bauer, Ela %J Studia Judaica %V 2015 %R 10.4467/24500100STJ.15.005.3888 %N Nr 1 (35) %P 85-104 %K Nahum Sokolow, Hebrew literature, Zionism, Warsaw, Jewish press, Ha-tsefira %@ 1506-9729 %D 2015 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/we-callhim-mister-pan-editor-nahum-sokolow-and-modern-hebrew-literature %X This paper presents the tasks and aims that Nahum Sokolow believed Hebrew literature should have in Jewish life and in the Jewish national movement. Before his official joining the Zionist movement, Sokolow believed that the contribution of Hebrew literature to the formation of Jewish nationalism was more significant than the return of the Jews to their historical territory. This position did not change significantly after his joining the Zionist movement in 1897. In addition the paper evaluates Sokolow’s significant input to the development of the Jewish literary center in Warsaw and a new Hebrew literary style.