TY - JOUR TI - O chorobie zwanej kordiaka (bądź Herzgespann, Riebkuchen) w kontekście żydowskim AU - Tuszewicki, Marek TI - O chorobie zwanej kordiaka (bądź Herzgespann, Riebkuchen) w kontekście żydowskim AB - The concept of kordiakos appears in the pages of the Talmud and later in rabbinic commentaries, where it is explained as the name of a demon capable of confusing someone who drinks young wine. A disease with a similar sounding name—cordiaca—was known to early modern European medicine. Its occurrence is also recorded in nineteenth-century ethnographic collections, where it is often labelled by auxiliary German terms Herzgespann or Riebkuchen. It can also be found in this form in relatively numerous documents of Jewish provenance. Is it possible to prove a connection between the two afflictions, if this is how one of the most important Jewish medical manuals of the Haskalah era—Marpe la-am (1834–1842)—interprets them? VL - 2024 IS - Nr 1 (53) PY - 2024 SN - 1506-9729 C1 - 2450-0100 SP - 185 EP - 211 DO - 10.4467/24500100STJ.24.008.19901 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/o-chorobie-zwanej-kordiaka-badz-herzgespann-riebkuchen-w-kontekscie-zydowskim KW - zdrowie KW - medycyna żydowska KW - medycyna nowożytna KW - folklor żydowski