TY - JOUR TI - „Skarb i przyszłość narodu”. Polityka organizacji żydowskich w Lublinie wobec młodzieży w latach 1944–1968 AU - Klimowicz, Teresa TI - „Skarb i przyszłość narodu”. Polityka organizacji żydowskich w Lublinie wobec młodzieży w latach 1944–1968 AB - The purpose of this article is to present the policy toward Jewish youth carried out by the main Jewish institutions operating in Lublin in the postwar period (until 1968), including the local representation of the Central Committee of Polish Jews (CKŻP) (1945–1950) and the Lublin branch of the Social and Cultural Society of Jews in Poland (TSKŻ), as well as the activities of local Zionist youth organizations. The paper presents the organizational structures of the youth-specialized units operating within the aforementioned institutions, the formal and personal changes within them, as well as the local particularities of their activity. The ideological assumptions of these organizations are analyzed and set in the context of the cultural debate over the possibility of rebuilding Jewish life in Poland: nusekh Poyln and yetsiyes Poyln. VL - 2024 IS - Nr 1 (53) PY - 2024 SN - 1506-9729 C1 - 2450-0100 SP - 135 EP - 163 DO - 10.4467/24500100STJ.24.006.19899 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/studia-judaica/artykul/skarb-i-przyszlosc-narodu-polityka-organizacji-zydowskich-w-lublinie-wobec-mlodziezy-w-latach-1944-1968 KW - Lublin KW - nusech Pojln KW - CKŻP KW - TSKŻ KW - młodzież żydowska