TY - JOUR TI - Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii w zatrudnieniu a konieczność wprowadzenia odrębnej instytucji prawnej, jaką jest prawo do bycia offline AU - Walczak, Krzysztof AU - Chakowski, Maciej TI - Rozwój nowoczesnych technologii w zatrudnieniu a konieczność wprowadzenia odrębnej instytucji prawnej, jaką jest prawo do bycia offline AB - The subject of the article is the assessment of the legitimacy of introducing a new institution to Polish law, which is the right to be disconnected. According to the authors, this is unnecessary. Based on the analysis of the regulations and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, they show that the Labour Code guarantees people who use modern technologies the right to rest. However, the authors agree, that the problem is the practical application of these provisions. Therefore, in their opinion, instead of introducing a new legal institution, it is necessary to increase the legal awareness of workers so that they know what their rights are in this area and, if deemed appropriate, to increase the sanctions for non-compliance. VL - Volume 31 (2024) IS - Tom 31 Zeszyt 3 PY - 2024 SN - 1429-9585 C1 - 2544-4654 SP - 211 EP - 220 DO - 10.4467/25444654SPP.24.013.19929 UR - https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/szppips/artykul/the-development-of-modern-technologies-in-employment-and-the-need-to-introduce-a-separate-legal-institution-which-is-the-right-to-disconnect KW - prawo do odłączenia KW - prawo do wypoczynku KW - czas pracy KW - urlopy wypoczynkowe KW - opiekunowie dzieci