%0 Journal Article %T Przegląd orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego (za okres listopad 2023–grudzień 2023) %A Milkowski, Kacper %J Radca Prawny %V 2023 %R 10.4467/23921943RP.23.046.19515 %N 4 (37) %P 191-207 %K Sąd Najwyższy, orzecznictwo, postępowanie karne, postępowanie cywilne, uchwała, wyrok %@ 2392-1943 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/radca-prawny/artykul/przeglad-orzecznictwa-sadu-najwyzszego-za-okres-listopad-2023-grudzien-2023 %X Overview of the decisions of the Polish Supreme Court The judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of December 20, 2023 (case file no. III CZP 41/23) is of particular importance for legal practice. The Court indicated that in the case of notifying the party or their representative about the impossibility of preparing a justification for the contested decision, appealing against this decision is not conditioned upon the effective submission of a request for justification and the delivery of the decision along with the justification. In the judgment of December 14, 2023 (case file no. III CZP 32/23), the Polish Supreme Court stated that in divorce cases, both those not concluded by July 3, 2021, and those initiated between July 3, 2021, and April 14, 2023, the first-instance court shall adjudicate with a single judge unless the president of the court orders the case to be heard by a panel of three judges. If such a case is heard by a single judge and two lay judges, the proceedings are null and void (Article 379 point 4 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure).