%0 Journal Article %T Klepsydra w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku – ujęcie genologiczne. Prolegomena (na materiale krakowskich kartek pogrzebowych) %A Steczko, Iwona %J Rocznik Przemyski. Literatura i Język %V 2023 %R 10.4467/24497363RPLJ.23.016.19042 %N 2 (27) 2023 %P 191-202 %K klepsydra, gatunek funeralny, gatunek polisemiotyczny, genologia historyczna, obituary, funeral genre, polysemiotic genre, historical genology %@ 2449-7363 %D 2023 %U https://ejournals.eu/czasopismo/rocznik-przemyski-literatura-i-jezyk/artykul/klepsydra-w-pierwszej-polowie-xix-wieku-ujecie-genologiczne-prolegomena-na-materiale-krakowskich-kartek-pogrzebowych %X Obituary in the first half of the 19th century ‒ genological approach. Prolegomena (based on Krakow funeral notices) The study is rooted within the research trend of historical genology, concentrating on a certain type of funeral statement (obituary) at an early stage of its development. The research material is a collection of obituaries (500 texts) dating from 1810‒1850, from the collections of the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow. Presented preliminary research results prove that the obituary is a polysemiotic type of statement, a generic variant of a funeral request with a clear construction pattern, including two compositional types.